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Deration – What it is and how to calculate it

One of the most common causes of forklift injury is due to forklifts being overloaded due to deration.

Deration is the term used to describe a decrease in the forklift’s lifting capacity. Put simply, due to factors discussed below, a 2500 kg forklift (2.5ton forklift) may not always lift 2500kg to the maximum height.

Deration can be due to a number of different factors:

The height to which the load is being lifted. The higher the load is lifted, the greater the deration.

The load centre, or dimensions of the load. The longer the load centre (ie, the longer the load), the greater the deration.

Attachments fitted to the forklift. Almost all attachments (including a sideshift) fitted to a forklift will cause some degree of deration.

How to calculate deration:

Capacity x (Load Centre + K) (New Load Centre + K) K= Distance from the front axle to the fork face (front overhang) Load Centre= half of the length of the load

It is important to know exactly how much weight your forklift can lift to the height you need it to go, with the load you need it to carry. At Masslift, we like to work with our customers to ensure that they are using the optimum forklift for their specific application.



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